ServiceNow experts, brace yourselves for an exciting journey into the world of Generative AI with the introduction of new NowLearning courses. These courses are designed to enhance your understanding and skills in utilizing Now Assist in ServiceNow. Let’s delve into the details.

What is ServiceNow Now Assist?

ServiceNow’s Now Assist is a feature within the ServiceNow platform designed to enhance user experience and productivity through advanced technological capabilities, including Generative AI. It serves as an integrated tool that provides support and assistance to users across various workflows and modules within the ServiceNow ecosystem. Now Assist comes in different flavours (for ITSM, HR, CSM etc.) and has different skills.

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Understanding Now Assist Skills in ServiceNow

Now Assist in ServiceNow encompasses specialised Generative AI capabilities, tailored for specific applications within the platform. These AI-driven skills optimise and streamline tasks across various workflows, offering an intuitive and efficient experience.

What is a Skill?

A skill is an adapted extension of Generative AI, designed for particular applications. For example, the “Incident / Case summarization skill” refines the AI’s summarizing ability to suit specific records like IT incidents or customer service cases.

Global Skills

Global skills are accessible across all applications and personas supported by Now Assist, ensuring versatility and universal applicability within ServiceNow.

Skills Organized by Workflow

Future developments promise more refined skills, enhancing the Generative AI capabilities on the Now Platform. Keep an eye on the ServiceNow Store for the latest updates.

Overview of NowLearning Courses and Certifications for Now Assist in ServiceNow

1. Now Assist Essentials

2. Now Assist Executive Micro-Certification Learning Path

3. Introduction to Generative AI Course

4. Partner Essentials Series

These courses and certifications ensure that ServiceNow professionals, partners, and executives are well-equipped to utilise Now Assist’s capabilities effectively.

If you want me to provide you an overview of courses and what of them make for you most sense, reach out to me or any ServiceNow representative. We also run our ServiceNow courses for developers and business analysts or who want to become one.

Teiva Systems is a ServiceNow Premier Partner and provides advisory, architecture, implementation, training and support services. Teiva Systems specialises in building custom applications and integrations with ServiceNow App Engine leveraging platform capabilities like common data model, security, integration layer and platform intelligence incl. (Generative) AI and Machine Learning.

Kostya Bazanov is ServiceNow Leading Architect and Technology Advisor since 2011. He acted in various roles such as technical consultant, implementer, solution architect, team lead in national and global projects and ServiceNow platform rollouts. Kostya is certified in ServiceNow ITSM, Discovery, Event Management, Application Development and other critical modules and capabilities.

Kostya Bazanov, Managing Director, Jan 21, 2024

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